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Veterans Day

Posted by bob on Mar 4, 2012in What I Think

 Today, is a special day in many countries around the world; Veterans Day, Armistice Day, Poppy Day. Whatever term applies to you today means a lot to me. My grandfather was shot, wounded and almost lost his life at the Somme in WWI, my father was wounded on the shores of France after the invasion of Normandy in WWII, and I was a child in-utero in an Army field hospital at the same time and was close to the action during the bombardment of England by the German V1 and V2 rockets that killed hundreds of thousands.

      With the recent Islamic Jihad massacre at Fort Hood, Texas, I wonder if today should not also be celebrated in defense of Human Life. Every television I have scrolled through looking for HOPE from the Obama Administration and activists who believe as I do, that life, all life from conception to natural death is precious and should be honored. Unfortunately, I have yet to find a network, including the right of center FOX Network, correcting the body count from the slaughter to what it is: fourteen.

      The young Chicago soldier, recently returned from her tour of duty in Iraq, was pregnant with their six week old child. When Obama and the Army saluted the dead they forgot, or deliberately avoided naming the in-utero child during the solemn ceremony. There is a lot of talk about the political correctness that may have caused this tragedy, or the fact we should not identify the Muslims as a radical group of terrorists for the sake of peace. Peace is celebrated on November 11 as the end of war and the celebration of PEACE. Should not the unnamed baby have been included in the memorial? Where is Right-to-Life? Where is FOX? Where is the Catholic Church? Where are the pro-life activists? Where are simple decent people? Is America finally succumbed to the P.C. virus?

      What in God’s name are we afraid of? Where are the brave hearts who should be leading the LIFE parade? Get out from under your rocks, America. The Obama decaying America, preceded by the cowardly liar Clinton following in the footsteps of an equally Supreme Court decision in the ‘60’s, Roe versus Wade, giving the culture of death a foothold has a vaccine--you and me! It’s time for us to stand, extend our arm and find the courage to STOP America’s madness; the killing of the unborn for any reason at any time godless individuals feel the need to be free from the punishment of a child.  Enjoy the memorable poem written by Lieutenant Colonel John McCrae.

In Flanders Fields  
By: Lieutenant Colonel John McCrae, MD (1872-1918) Canadian Army

In Flanders Fields the poppies blow  
Between the crosses row on row,  
That mark our place; and in the sky  
The larks, still bravely singing, fly  
Scarce heard amid the guns below.

We are the Dead. Short days ago  
We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,  
Loved and were loved, and now we lie  
In Flanders fields.

Take up our quarrel with the foe:  
To you from failing hands we throw  
The torch; be yours to hold it high.  
If ye break faith with us who die  
We shall not sleep, though poppies grow  
In Flanders fields. ‘

      Possibly, Lieutenant Colonel John McCrae would be ashamed of those of us who follow in the footsteps of those gallant men who died back then. In reading the final stanza I am touched and motivated to reach out and catch the thrown torch on behalf of children in-utero. To challenge the foes of life and to stand and defend the unprotected and innocent from the despicable hands of infanticide providers cowards who fear worldly retribution

Bob Belliveau-Ferrin Lemieux
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