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Category: political
Posted by: bob
The best news I read this month was the United States was part of an economic boom this year; over 4 million new babies had been born an increase over previous years. However, the census bureau had to spoil my day by stating that 40% were to unwed mothers. Where were the fathers, or should I ask, Bob Belliveau-Ferrin Lemieux
Category: political
Posted by: bob
When all is said and done one word identifies the problems in America today: GREED! The Obama gang is up to no good and leading our nation down a path of destruction and into the arms of a waiting George Soros. Soros is one of the most nefarious individuals I have come to learn about in the past 30 years as I have worked within the various government bureaucracies at the state and national levels. I won Bob Belliveau-Ferrin Lemieux
Category: political
Posted by: bob
If there are images in this attachment, they will not be displayed. Download the original attachment BLOGS DRAFT: POLITICAL FEBRUARY 15, 2009: Chuck Schumer is either a fool or a deceitful crook masquerading as a United States Senator. Recently he had the audacity to make the following statement: Bob Belliveau-Ferrin Lemieux
Category: political
Posted by: bob
Want to help the economy and save the economy of the country? You have to make a tough decision, however, save trees or save our moral backbone in some of the toughest markets in America. This month alone, The L.A. Times, San Francisco Chronicle, The New York Times and the Seattle Post-Intelligencer, are up for sale. The Gannett Co., publisher of the nation Bob Belliveau-Ferrin Lemieux
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